21 August 2007

Cultural understanding

The hip opinion these days in the western world seems to be that all cultures are to be respected and treasured, simply because they are cultures. Mention the word culture, and people will light up as if they've found gold: 'I LOVE cultural diversity'.

And I agree, cultural diversity is great. What is not so great is honour killings, societies oppressing women, and I could go on. When such behaviour is brought to democratic societies you'd think the justice systems of said societies would come to terms with the problem. But no. In the name of culture ANYTHING can be defended, and is defended by what seems to be a majority of the population. Apparantly we must 'understand' that cultures are different and respect them in light of this.

There is NOTHING at all to be respected or understood in, say, the killing of a young woman because she had sex with the 'wrong' man.

For hundreds of years we have fought to build a democratic society where people are equal, and now we're supposed to give that up in the name of understanding different cultures.

I do not believe the answer is to decrease immigration. My dream-world is one of open borders and equal access. What I do, however, believe in, is a firm fucking justice system which defends our democracy to the last drop of blood. I believe in a society that is open BECAUSE of the defending of its democratic values - not one that is shattered open because we're too afraid to draw a line.

The funniest thing, as always, is that the people who're most devoted to proclaiming cultural understanding, are usually the same people who claim to be fighting for an equal society.

I'm sorry guys, but your equal society would fall apart like the bad kind of anarchy. Survival of the fittest. The one with the most frags win.

You disgust me.


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