23 August 2007

Language destruction

It is claimed that what's happening with the English language (and other languages around the world I am sure) today is evolution. A necessesity due to the nature of language and that of mankind. I agree that language needs change, but there's change and change, and unfortunately it seems we struck upon the bad kind.

It's sad when kids with English as their mother tongue know their language worse than kids around the world with English as their second language, simply because of the dumb simplifications that occur all the time in English speaking countries.

It can be claimed that this has happened through history and that it is nothing to be worried about, but I beg to differ. Historically there has been an evolvement of language due to borrowing of words, new constructions, etc. What's happening at the moment is a debasement, which will end up where we started. Grunts and basic word forms. That's extreme of course, but in the long run...

So, why is this happening?

I don't know. Because today's youth doesn't read, is lazy and overall dumb, probably, but I suppose it could be for other reasons. Perhaps the majority of births today are because of people too stupid to care about birth control?

Whatever the reason, I'm sure it can be solved if everyone just read more books.


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